
What are common hurdles?

Let us imagine a possible situation: Jan is hearing disabled. What would that mean for our learning content? You’ve recorded a lot of interesting audio for the course, but how does Jan get the information he can’t hear? Are there subtitles or a way to read along with what is being said? If not, he will only see the images on the monitor and might miss important information.

Or let’s assume there is person called Mary in your cours. She has a visual disability. But your course contains images, text, and graphic navigation elements. Can Mary use screen reader software to have the written content read aloud? If so, do the images have so-called “alt texts” that the screen reader can read aloud?

From these brief examples, it quickly becomes clear that people with disabilities cannot easily participate in online course – without you taking them into account. To create truly accessible courses, you need to find solutions to the problems described above and many more. Accessibility is a complex topic that includes considerations of font size, contrast and color design, and responsive design (scaling of content) for mobile devices.


Course: Presenting content: What else should you know?

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