
Tools – Hooks

It was by accident the first Cowl I made turned out so well my crochet and knitting friends asked me to teach them.

I will now show you the tools you need .

Crochet Hooks

There are different types of crochet hooks available. Crochet hooks are numbered. The bigger the number, the faster you crochet, with thick (chunky) wool. The smallest numbers are for fine crochet.  For example, I use 6 or 8 with chunky wool. When I was younger, I used 1.25 for very fine crochet for table runners for example. 

Steel crochet hooks are very popular, they come in all sizes. Plastic is not as popular, it’s harder to use, the wool doesn’t come off easy and you can get stuck.

Arthritis hooks: all these are numbered, they have a grip for your hand. These are the ones I use now.

First we are only using one stitch throughout the lesson so don’t worry, it’s simple.

Making a loop I will demonstrate this on camera, with your hook No.8 put into loop, then follow on the video.


Course: Crochet with the Ripper / Cróise leis an Ghreachadóir

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