
Quizzes and Questions

The learning system has a simple quiz functionality that allows you to make your lessons more engaging. Quizzes consist of quiz questions that relate to quizzes the way lessons relate to courses. That is, quizzes consist of individual questions that can be freely combined and sorted for the selected quiz. A random order of the quiz questions is also possible.

For a quiz, it is possible to specify the percentage of correct answers required to pass the quiz. A quiz can also be configured so that passing is required to pass the lesson to which the particular quiz is assigned.

Example of a quiz

Single- and multiple-choice questions are available. Whether a question is displayed as single or multiple choice depends on how many correct answers were entered for the question. Each quiz question requires at least one correct answer. A single correct answer will result in the quiz question being displayed as single choice. Multiple correct answers will cause the question to be displayed as multiple-choice. By checking the “Mix answers” checkbox, the order of the displayed answers can be varied automatically.

A post image can be added to a quiz question (see above). The image is then displayed on the website together with the question. Questions can therefore also refer to images.


Track: Module 3: Implementing content
Course: M3 Unit 2 – Creating online content in the learning platform

Course instructors

No instructors available.

