


What was your first photo?

It might have been taken at a family gathering. It might be a photo of your rosy baby face right after birth. Maybe it is a picture of you at your christening. Your parents beaming with pride, showing you off to the camera, your siblings scrambling to be pictured too. It could be the exact moment the priest is dripping water on your forehead in order to welcome you to this earth.

All photos, just like your first photo, have a clear aim: they help us remember events from our lives. They also make it possible to show these events to our friends and family and tell stories of “back then,” even 50 years later.   Today, photos are still important story-tellers, even if the cameras have changed. Film has been replaced by memory cards and one can take an unbelievable amount of photos in a short amount of time. Nowadays most people don’t own separate cameras anymore and instead use their smartphones.

The smartphone widens our field of opportunities. Instead of only being able to show photos to our family and friends in print and in person, we can now send them immediately. Sharing these images is much more spontaneous and maybe less filtered.  

In this learning unit we will talk about images and photos. We will look at what stories photos can tell, and how we can upload images. We will give you the opportunity to learn how to edit photos with photo editing apps. Lastly, we will show you how you can upload photos into the SenGuide platform. The topic of copyright will also be discussed.


Course: Presenting content

Course instructors

