
How to record a video

Nowadays you can record videos on many different devices, first of all the digital camera, but videos can also be made with the help of the smartphone.

Record videos with a digital camera: Most digital cameras offer the ability to record a video. Take a close look at the menu of your digital camera, you will probably find a button here.

Record videos with a webcam: Another option to record a video. A webcam is a small camera, usually already built into your laptop.

Record videos with a smartphone: Nowadays, videos are recorded with a smartphone. What are the advantages of recording a video with a smartphone?

  • It is easy to record a video with a smartphone.
  • Videos recorded on a smartphone can be uploaded to the Internet directly.
  • Videos recorded on a smartphone are easy to edit.
  • Most smartphones have pre-installed apps, mostly the camera, that you can use to make videos. The record button is usually red and round.

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Course: Excursus Audio

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