
Examples for E-Learning courses

Formal education online (online learning for obtention of degrees)Open University
DCU Open
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course)
Free courses, designed by worldwide universities
List of MOOCs from Trinity College Dublin
Professional development courses (paying)UCD Professional Academy
Short online courses to lean new skills
(Courses are video-based, given by specialists in a topic rather than educators)
User-created learning
(video based)

In the past few years, universities have introduced many courses as blended learning courses, ie a mixture of online and face to face classes.

Of course, the past year has forced schools, colleges, universities to go online for whole terms or semesters, when students and teachers were unable to gather in classrooms.

This past year has also been particularly difficult for our older age group; social interaction has been minimal, and many of us have had to stay at home, cocooned from the virus. However, it has also given us new experiences: we have all become familiar with Zoom and other platforms that helped us to talk to each other and see each other through our screens, and maybe this will also make many older learners open to the idea of learning online.


Course: Before you start

Course instructors

