A power drill, masking tape, gardening gloves, a trowel, watering can or water bottle, a box or tub to mix compost, a secateurs, or scissors.
A large pot, size of used pot = diameters 40mm wide x 35mm deep (16 ins wide x 13.5 ins deep) with drainage holes in the base.
Some medium size stones or broken crocks to line the bast of the pot to assist with drainage.
Bulbs x 6 varieties, blubs used are crocus, bluebells, chinodoxa, allium, daffodils, and tulips. Choose your own mixture of spring bulbs Insert Photo Selection of bulbs used
All-purpose compost x 3 litres, Perlite x a mug, Fertiliser x a mug and all mixed in tub to be used for layering in the large plant pot.
Winter Flowering Bedding Plants x 6, plants used are cyclamen, ornamental pepper and heathers or similar mixed winter flowering plants. Choose your own Winter Flowering Bedding plants.
A small amount of general liquid fertiliser
Next go to Lesson 6 – Where to buy Spring Bulbs and Winter Flowering Plants?