
Questions and answers

Working with a learning platform always requires a high level of technical-editorial know-how and a willingness to learn. Although we have tried to provide you with as simple an editing environment as possible, the rule of thumb still applies: There truly are no simple learning platforms. As soon as the range of functions reaches a certain level of complexity, software systems of all kinds inevitably become complicated. Remember this rule whenever you face a problem while working with the SenGuide platform. Usually the problem does not lie with you, i.e. on the side of the users, but in the complexity of the application.

After reading this third module and completing the two previous modules, you will certainly have plenty of questions that arise from working with the learning system. The SenGuide team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact the person responsible for you.

We hope you enjoy creating your own online courses!


Track: Module 3: Implementing content
Course: M3 Unit 2 – Creating online content in the learning platform

Course instructors

No instructors available.

